Thursday 6 August 2015

मेरे ख्याल

मेरे ख्याल.... बस यूँ ही....
कई दफा खामोशियो के शोर में
जब सुनती हूँ, रात के सन्नाटे को
चीरती दूरसे आती किसी ढोल 
बजने की आवाज़ जेसे दूर इक
गाँव ढाणी कबीला अब भी उसी
दौर में,चंद ख़ुशी के मौके में भी
मंद आग के उजाले की लौ में
ढोल बजाकर तमाम ख़ुशी मना
रहा हो । और में सोच रही हूँ कि
कितना दूर निकल आई अब में
उस गुजरे दौर की पकड़ से !
यहाँ शहर में !!!
कल होने वाली सुबह के शोर में
खुद को खो देने के लिए .....
अनजाने मकसद ....
अंतहीन राहे...
कभी मद्धम चाल ...
कुछ तेज़ समय ...
शून्य की ओर....
स्वयं को दौड़ाने के लिए.......
हाँ रात की खामोशी को चीरती
वो दूर से आती ढोल की आवाज़
इतना झकझोर जाती है............. अल्पना

Wednesday 14 May 2014

जरा आहिस्ता
धीरे धीरे देना
कोई मुद्दत से एक ही
ख्वाब की चद्दर ओढे
सो रहा है
आहट का आदी नहीं वो
अकेले खुद का साथी वो
हौले से फुसफुसाना
गर जाग जाए तो ठीक
चुपचाप लौट जाना
दबे पाँव... AlpS

Thursday 13 March 2014


चंद शब्दो को मिलाकर ही मुझे परिभाषित कर दिया तुमने !
क्या इसकी व्याख्या कुछ खुल कर नहीं कर सकते !!
अथाह सागर भी कहते हो मेरे दिल मन को और
ना जाने कितने मनोभावों का नाम मुझमे निहित किया है
प्यार, स्नेह, ममता...
अबला ,सबला ...
शक्ति, सृष्टि...
वगेरह वगेरह
तब भी क्यों ? संतुष्ट नहीं होते ?
हर मुश्किल मे परीक्षा देने के लिए मुझे मजबूर भी करते हो ...और
मुझे परिभाषित करने के लिए चंद सरल शब्दो को ही चुनते हो ...
में कठिन हूँ कहते हो, और खुद के लिए मुझे सरल बनाते हो
आखिर क्यों ?........... अल्पना 

Thursday 29 August 2013

तन्हा सफर

मेरा सफर तन्हा सही पर मेरा सफर है...
मंजिल दूर सही उस पर मेरी नजर है...

हर संघर्ष एक चुनौती पर जूझना अब आदत है...
चलने दो मुझे तन्हा ये मेरा सफर है ...

वक्त वक्त की बात है माना अभी ये मेरे साथ नहीं ...
निराशा का दामन भी तो अब तक थामा नहीं...

एक कदम आगे पर पीछे भागती मुश्किले हैं...
तन्हा ही सही पर ये तो मेरा सफर है...

Wednesday 27 February 2013


ज़िंदगी के मोड पर अतीत का वो आईना फिर नज़र आया ...

थोड़ा अचकाया !
कुछ घबराया !!
फिर ढिढाया !!!

बचकर निकलना चाहा मेने पर ...
कमबख्त  " See you bye " कह कर वो व्यंग से मुसकाया ।

Tuesday 19 February 2013





Adolescent Girl’s empowerment

The 21st century has been declared as century for women. In this changing scenario the girls need attention by the scholars. After various efforts by government, NGO’s and social scientists the phenomenal women empowerment is not taking real shape due to the ignorance of nutritional status in rural tribal areas. This is indicated by the statistical datas. Actually women’s empowerment is not simply switching ON and switching OFF of women energy but it is more than this. Women empowerment is a process of learning by which women identify by their own potential and accordingly they charge to perform better in the society. Empowering is not given by anyone but it is a processing of gaining inside and to use it for the adjustment of life. Knowing own potential and feeling it will give a definite shape to the performance.

Adolescence girls are very important section of our society as they are our potential mothers and future homemakers. During adolescent period of human growth due to growth spurt, the risk of iron deficiency and anaemia appears to be more for boys and girls and in girls it remains as such during reproductive life. Several studies on the prevalence of anaemia among adolescent girls have been carried out in the northern or southern parts of India. (Gawarikar and Tripathi, 2002)

Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave take action and central work in an autonomous way. It is the process, by which can gain control over one’s destiny and the circumstances of their lives. Empowerment can be viewed as means of creating a social environment in which one can make decisions and make choice other individually or collectively for social transformation.
Women empowerment enables autonomy and control over their lives. The empowered women become agents of their own development, able to exercise choices to set their own agenda and be strong enough to challenge and change their subordinate position in the societies (Rakesh Prasad)
According to the Random house Dictionary, empowerment comes from the term ‘empower’ which means ‘to give power or authority’ and ‘to enable or permit’. The key elements in empowerment are ‘enabling’ and ‘providing power’ and they reinforce each other.

Women empowerment is only possible if knowledge is provided at early stage of socialization. Therefore the present investigation is one step towards women empowerment by giving knowledge to the adolescent girl of the society. In the transitional stage of adolescents when they conflict with competition they fail to fulfill the expected norms of the society and accordingly they develop tension, anxiety, weak mental health , stress etc.

A woman is nucleus of the family and forms half of the human society. She is emotionally a bounding force for family everywhere. She equally shares with men in all religious ceremonies and social functions.

Women in India have been deprived of equal education, equal employment, equal pay and equal status with men, robbed of dignity, pride and self worth. They see themselves as prisoners doomed to obedience and conformity, to find release and freedom only in death. Yet, women’s contribution to national development is crucial, and their emancipation essential for economic development and social progress of the nation. Women must be recognized as a power in the developmental process (Devadas 1990) and should be actively involved in it.

The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian constitution in its preamble, fundamental Rights, fundamental Duties and Directive principles. The constitutions not only grant equality to women but also empower the state to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women.(National policy for women – Department of women and child development 2001)

Adolescence comprises nearly half of the growing period in man. The term adolescence has been defined by WHO as a period of life where a series of varied, rapid and extensive change occurs. It is a crucial phase to catch-up growth in the life cycle of girls after infancy. There are any physical changes that occur at this stage. The girls attain menarche as a result of hormonal changes. They may develop iron deficiency anaemia because of rapid growth and onset of menstruation and under nutrition. Consequences of anaemia reviewed by Scrimashaw show that iron deficiency results in reduced level of energy and productivity, impaired immune function, reproduction failure in adulthood and maternal death during child birth. In order to prevent the above consequences adolescence is the correct period when anaemia should be tackled by proper programmes. During anaemia, body has to make respiratory adjustment. During work the supply of oxygen depends upon total lean and skeletal mass, total blood flow and its distribution, total oxygen delivery capacity of blood to heart and muscle (Vijayalakshmi, Sharda and Venkaramana 2000).

According to Alpana Singh (2000) observed adjustment level of tribal women was more than adjustment of rural women. Further she found that personality depends on their place of stay. Rural women have better personality than tribal women.

          Alpana Singh (2000) found a rural women are more economically empowered than tribal women.

The evaluation of the IFAD-supported Tamil Nadu women’s development project (1999) in India  regarding social and economic betterment of women. Four main process lead to women’s empowerment i.e. change in women’s mobility and social interaction, changes in women’s labour patterns, changes in women’s access to and control over resources and women’s control over decision – making.

IFAD-supported project (1999) evaluation concluded that there seemed to be a slight improvement in women’s involvement in household decision- making in male headed households. On such issues as credit, the disposal of household assets, children’s education, and family health care. However, the traditional gender- based decisions persist in intra- household decision- making. Women basically decide on food preparation, and men make the financial decisions. But group members had become more aware of their property and political rights. As in the case of mobility and social interaction, the evaluation again found improvements among women heads of households, older women, and more educated women.

The women of today has a sense of individuality and an urge of self – respect also. She is desirous of liberation. She is constantly trying to establish her identity in made-dominating society. She is ready to work outside against all hurdles. The motivations man be any like raising standard of living (Mamoria, 1976) or others such as sense of competence personal satisfaction and interaction with other adults (Garg, 1988)

          According to Devdas et al (1989) the most recent approach to women in development has been empowered which emplies empowerment at grass root level with emphasis of self reliances, build up potential for improving one’s own welfare and bring about constructive changes in the lives of other people.


This scale was developed by the investigator itself using various attitudes towards adolescent girl’s empowerment. In order to develop indicators of women’s empowerment, different journals, books and reports, news papers, books, various articles were also consulted.  And also after a through discussion with experienced persons and consulting relevant literature, 70 statements were developed.  Some of 30 female from rural and urban area were interviewed. On the basis of their opinion regarding empowerment, 58 statements were framed At last, considering the judges decisions and suggestions, a final scale was developed by organizing statements on the 49 issues. There were five point scale was used to judge the suitability of statements regarding adolescent girls empowerment i.e. strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. In scoring, 5 to strongly agree, 4 to agree, 3 to neutral, 2 to disagree and 1 to strongly disagree responses were given. A panel of 5 judges was prepared belonging to different subject streams that is Sociology, Psychology, College lecturer, House wives etc.

The final form of the scale comprised of 49 statements The scale was divided in seven sections and each section have seven statements. These seven sections are Power and Entitlement, autonomy and self reliance, Decision making, capacity building, Social, political and legal awareness and Exposure to information media. All statements were positive manner. It can be administered only on adolescent girls of 13 to 18 years of age.

Power and Entitlements: Power is the most important element in the term empowerment .The dominant understanding of power in social sciences has been ‘power over’ view. Power can take various forms as “power to”, power with” and “power from within” all of which allow the construction of a different meaning of empowerment. Eg:-
  • Power to make decision at household level.
  • Level of change in power with time.
  • Level of control over sources of power.
  • Access to resources and control of resources and benefits.
  • Control of resources
  • Power to choose appropriate occupation for self.

Entitlement: Means rights to equitable share of resources in the home, village and society. Resources i.e. wealth or means of producing wealth. It includes also physical infrastructure, technology and finance. The following indicators can be used to assess the level of entitlement of an individual / group:
  • Rights to equitable share (ownership) of resources (home, villege etc)
  • Rights to equitable to resources.

Autonomy and self reliance: Freedom of action, the possession of critical elements to effectively and efficiently undertake desired activity, development of sense of self and vision of the future, and absence of unsolicited influences in decision making.
  • Buy household assets.
  • Control on income of the family  and expenditure.
  • Work outside home.
  • Can talk with unknown persons.
  • Treatment for a sick family member.
  • Provide economic and social support to other relatives and friends.

Decision making: The decision making power of the women has been measured based on seven items. The decision making power related to education of the children, economic aspects etc. The following indicators can be used to assess the decision making power of the women or adolescent girls.
  • Can take decision for important matters.
  • Free to take decision in various field eg. Service , education etc.
  • Decision about to spend own money.

Participation in social and development: To assess the participation of girls in social and development activities the issue considered were:
  • Protesting against unfair prices.
  • Protesting against a man beating his wife.
  • Participate in income expenditure.
  • Participation in various programme in school or society.
  • Protesting against violence.
  • Participation in suggestion with other family members.

Capacity building: The following indicators can be used to assess the level of awareness and capacity building of an individual / group:

Capacity to undertake economic activities:
  • Ability to manage productive resources.
  • Developing alternative economic structure locally

Capacity to undertake social activities:

  • Participation in non-family group
  • Ability to interact effectively in public sphere
  • Ensuring mobility and visibility.

Capacity to undertake political activities:
  • Transforming institutions i.e. family, education, religion.
  • Transforming structures i.e. legal, political, economic and social.
  • Organizing struggle through bringing women together, thinking through common problems, agreeing on common issue etc

Social, Political and legal awareness: The political and legal awareness of women were assessed by asking whether they knew about or performed the following activities:
  • Name of the chairman of her Union Parishad
  • Name of the ward member of the area
  • Name of the prime minister
  • Law of inheritance
  • Registered marriage
  • Drug addictions

Exposure to information media: Exposure of a woman to information media was assessed by asking whether she had regular access to the allowing media.
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Library
  • Consumer rights
  • Children immunization

Reliability of the test:  To know the reliability of the scale test retest method was used. The reliability coefficient was found to be 0.71. This certified the internal consistency of the scale.

Validity of the test: To find out the validity of the test, content and construct validity of the scale was examined.           

            Norms for the scale are available on a sample of subjects belonging to the age range of 13 to 18 years. These norms should be regarded as reference point for interpreting the adolescent girls empowerment scores. However, norms are based on the sample drawn from Udaipur district. The users of this scale would be well advised to developed their own norms based on their own sample.

            Total sum of scores vary from 49 to 245, showing low empowerment to high. An individual with a high score i.e. between 163 – 245 may be considered to have highly empowered. The symptoms of such highly empowered girls have confident, intelligent, good health, better self expression etc. The scores having between 82 to 163 were medium empowered. And the low scores between 1 to 82 were considered low empowered.

1.                  The instruction printed on the response sheet are sufficient to take care of the questions that are asked.
2.                  This scale consists of 49 statements. We want to know the situations, objects and persons, which are responsible for denote the how much they are empowered.
3.                  This information is purely confidential and is being elicited from you just for academic purpose. It is our request to you to be honest in supplying the information. While giving this information, tick marks the answer that represents your views. In front of every statement, five alternative blocks are given to given the scores 1to 5 i.e. strongly disagree to strongly agree.
4.                  Do not put any kind of mark below the alternative that does not represent your response, in case you do, erase the incorrect response.
5.                  Don’t leave any statement unstamped. There’s no time limit, try to complete as quickly as possible.
6.                  Before administration the scale it is advisable to emphasize orally that responses should be checked as quickly as possible and sincere cooperation is required for the same. The respondents should be told that the result of the scale would help them in self-knowledge and responses would always remain strictly confidential.
7.                  No time limit should be given for completing the scale, however, most of the respondents should finish it in about seven to 30 minutes though there may always be a few individuals who would take somewhat longer time.
8.                  It should be emphasized that there is no right or wrong answer to the statements. The statements are designed to have differences in individual reactions to various situations. The scale is meant to know the difference between, individuals and not meant to them as good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable.
9.                  It is not desirable to tell the subjects the exact purpose for which the test is being used. If the subject is of “inquisitive type” vague answer like “the test measure personality”, it assesses the reactions of individuals in varying situations “, etc. should be given.
10.              Though the scale is self-administering, it has been found useful to read out the instruction printed on the response sheet to the subjects.
11.              Manual scoring is done conveniently; no scoring key or stencil is provides.


The 21st century has been declared as century for women. Empowerment of women is high on the agenda in development plans and policies. The present scale used to measuring the empowerment of adolescent girls of age 13 to 18 years.

There may be many tests possibly but this has been standardized as per the Indian norms, hence it has great applicability in the Indian context.

The scale will help in assessing the adolescent girl’s empowerment. Women empowerment is only possible if knowledge is provided at early stage of socialization. Therefore the present investigation is one step towards women empowerment by giving knowledge to the adolescent girl of the society. In the transitional stage of adolescents when they conflict with competition they fail to fulfill the expected norms of the society and accordingly they develop tension, anxiety, weak mental health, stress etc.

A woman is nucleus of the family and forms half of the human society. She is emotionally a bounding force for family everywhere. She equally shares with men in all religious ceremonies and social functions. Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave take action and central work in an autonomous way. It is the process, by which can gain control over one’s destiny and the circumstances of their lives.

            The scale is constructed to measures the adolescent girl’s empowerment. The obtained reliability of the adolescent girl’s empowerment is not sufficiently high as studied on a preliminary pilot level and the sample of the research and length of test items is also very limited.
The length of the test items can be increased upon a larger sample to increase the reliability.
The adolescent girl’s empowerment scale studies only the empowerment of adolescent girls.
The age range of the test administration is limited up to adolescent.
Test can be further modified and developed for all ages.

Gawarikar, R.S. Gawarikar, S.B. Tripathi, B.C. Prevelence of anaemia in adolescent girls of Ujjain in western M.P> Ind. Jr. of Nut. & Dietet. Vol. 39, 2002. 493).

Rakesh Prasad, Information support for empowerment of women in India, Social welfare / April 2007, Vol 54, No.1, 26.

Devdas (1989). “Literacy as a mean of empowered of women to achieve nutritional goals. “ Indian Journal of Home – Science, 23 (12) : 64-65.
(National policy for the empowerment of women – India, Department of  women and child development 2001,

Vijayalakshmi, V. Sharda, D. and Venkaramana, Y. Measurement of physical work performance of adolescent girls- simple field technique. Ind. Jr. of Nut. & Dietet Vol 37 2000 page 325.

Singh, A. (2000) “ A study of psychological correlates of women empowerment among rural and tribal : Unpublished Ph.D. thesis.

IFAD/OE.2000. The Republic of India: Tamil Nadu women’s Development project: Completion Evaluation. Report 340-IN.Rome, April.

Mamoria, C.B. (1986) : Social problems and social organizations in India (2nd ed.), Allahbad : Kitab Mahal Publications.

Garg, A. (1988) : Doubly Enslaved, Social Welfare August.

Biswas, T.K. and Kabir, M. , “Measuring women’s empowerment: Indicators and measurement techniques.” Social Change : Sepember 2004 : Vol. 34 No.3, 64-77.


Assessment of Empowerment of Adolescent girls
(fd'kksjh ckfydkvksa ds l'kfDrdj.k dk fu|kZj.k)
  • izR;sd okD; dks /;ku ls if<, vkSj fn, x, oSdfYid mRrjksa esa ls tks vkids fy, lgh gks ml ij (ü) djsaA
  • dksbZ mRrj lgh ;k xyr ugha gskrkA cl og vkids lanHkZ esa miq;Dr gksuk pkfg,A
  • vkids mRrj fdlh dks Hkh ugha fn[k, tk,xsa] ;s dsoy 'kks/k dk;Z esa mi;ksx ds fy, gS] blfy, vki csfgpd iwjh bZekunkjh ls mRrj nssaA
  • ;g iSekuk 13 ls 18 o"kZ rd dh fd'kksjh ckfydkvksa ds fy;s gS+A

uke ------------------------------                             vk;q ----------------------------------- f'k{kk ----------------
fyax --------------------------------                           irk -------------------------------------------------------------------
firk ;k vkidh ekfld vk; ---------------------firk ;k vkidk in -----------------------



(lkeF;Z  ;k l{kerk)
Strongly agree
iw.kZ lger


Not agree or disagree
u lger
u vlger

Strongly disagree
iw.kZ vlger
?kjsyq dk;Z djus o ?kj esa miyC/k lalk/kuksa dk lgh mi;ksx djus ;k djkus dk vf/kdkj j[krh gwWA
Have right to make use of available resources in a right way to do household work.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
le; ds lkFk eSa  Lo;a dh /kkj.kk ;k fu.kZ; cnyus dk vf/kdkj j[krh gwWA
Have right to change my decision and attitude according to the situation.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
vius lkFkh lewg es eSa ,d vPNk mPp LFkku j[krh gWw rFkk esjs lewg esa esjh jk; o lykg dks vgfe;r nh tkrh gSA
Hold a right in decision making sometimes being treated as a leader.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
Hkfo"; esa Lo;a ds fy;s mi;qDr O;olk; pquus dk vf?kdkj gsS
Right to choose my profession at my own in future.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
?kj esa eq>s og izR;sd vf/kdkj izkIr gS tks esjs HkkbZ dks izkIr gS tSls ykbZczsjh tkuk] nksLrks es le; fcrkuk] fiDpj ns[kuk--
Have an equal right at par with my brother in the family eg- to go library, movie with my friends etc.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
[kkus fius dh oLrqvksa o tsc [kpZ ij ftruk esjs HkkbZ dks  vf/kdkj gS mruk gh eq> dksA
Have right to spent pocket money or eat at par with other member of the family.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
?kj eSa dqN phtsa tSls & ?kM+h] VsifjdkMZj] lskus dk tsoj esjs Lo;a ds gSA
Have any own wrist watch, tape recorder, gold juwellery etc.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )



fdlh Hkh le; dksbZ Hkh dk;Z djus ds fy;s Lora= gwWA
Free to do any work at any time.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
fdlh egRoiq.kZ dk;Z dks izHkko'kkyh ,oa ;ksX; :i ls djus es vius xq.kks dk bLrseky djus dh {kerk j[krh gWwA
Have capacity to use my talent to perform any work efficiently.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
fdlh fj'rsnkj dks vkfFkZd ;k lkekftd ;ksxnku dh t:jr iM+s rks eSa ns ldrh gwWA
Have right to support financially and socially to my relatives.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
eSa vius Hkfo"; ds ckjs esa lkspus dk vf/kdkj j[krh gWwA
Have a right to think about my future.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
esjs lewg esa ;k dk;Z{ks= esa esjk 'kkjhfjd ,oa ckSf)d izn'kZu vPNk ekuk tkrk gSA
Appreciated in my peer group as good physical and intellectual fitness.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
esjs lkFkh ,oa ?kj ds lnL; cktkj esa [kjhnkjh djrs le; esjh jk; t:j ysrs gSA
Take advice from me when even my friend or family members go market for purchase.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
[kjhnnkjh djus] fiDpj ns[kus] xkWao ;k 'kgj ls ckgj ?kweus ;k 'kgj esa gh vdsys ?kweus ;k fe= o fj'rsnkj ds ;gkWa vdsys tkus dh Lora=rk gSA
Have freedom to go for purchasing, for watching movie, to meet relation or friend alone.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
(fu.kZ; izfdz;k)

?kj ds egRoiw.kZ eqn~nkssa ds fu.kZ;ksa esa esjh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSA
Have participation in taking decision on important issues of family.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
eq>s tks tsc [kpZ feyrk gS mls fdl rjg mi;ksx djuk gS ml ij eSa LO;a fu.kZ; ysrh gwWA
Have right to take decision to spent pocket money as per my choice.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
eSa vius Hkfo"; esa tSls&i<+kbZ] ukSdjh o 'kknh ds ckjs esa fu.kZ; ysus dks Lora= gwWA
Free to take decision regarding my studies, marriage, job in future.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
vxj dgha MkWDVj ds ikl mipkj gssrq tkuk iM+s rks mldk fu.kZ; Lo;a ysrh gwWA
Free to take decision if I am going to doctor for treatment.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
Lo;a ds iSlksa dks dSls [kpZ djuk gS mldk fu.kZ; Lo;a ysrh gWwA
Free to decide how to spent my own money.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
Lo;a dh vk; o [kpsZ ij fu;U=.k Lo;a djrh gwWA
Have self control over my income and expenditure.

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )

(       )
tc Hkh dksbZ ?kVuk ?kVrh gS vksj vU; ifjokfjd lnL; fu.kZ; ysus ;ksX; ugha gksrk gS rks eS Lo;a fu.kZ; ysrh gw¡A
Have right to take decision in any problematic situation when other failour.

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Ikfjokj dh vk; o [kpZ esa esjk Hkh ;ksxnku jgrk gS A
Have participation in income and expenditure of family money.

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esjh nSfud fnup;kZ esa esjs Lo;a ds fu.kZ; gh gksrs gSA
Have complete control on my decision related to daily life style.

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lekt ;k fo|ky; esa gkssus okys dk;ZØeksa esa Hkkxhnkjh ysrh gwWA
Take participation in school and social activities.

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;fn fdlh O;fDr }kjk mlds ifjokj okyks ;k ukSdjks ij vR;kpkj djrs ns[krh gwW rks bldk fojks/k djrh gwWA
Oppologize if any body abuse family member or office staff.

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fo|ky; ;k dkWyst esa jktuSfrd mEehnokj ds izpkj izlkj esa iwjh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSA
Participation in comparing publicity in school / college election.

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tc dHkh dksbZ ?kVuk gksrh gS rc vU; ifjokfjd lnL; ;k fe= lewg ds lykg e’kojk esa esjh Hkh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSA
Participation in taking decision in any incident of taking place in family or peer group.

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esjs fo?;ky; esa vU; xfrfof?k;k¡ tSls- ,u-,l-,l-] ,u-lh-lh- esa esjh Hkh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSA
Participation in NCC, NSS activities in my school / college.

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eSa tkurh gwW fd vius vkfFkZd l'kfDrdj.k gsrq eSa dksbZ Hkh O;olk; 'kq: dj ldrh gWawA ,oa mls djus dh ;ksX;rk j[krh gwWA
I know, I am able to start any business for my economic empowerment.

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eSa vkfFkZd :i ls lEiUu gksu gsrq LFkkuh; Lrj ij oSdfYid jkstxkjksa dks 'kq: djus dh ;ksX;rk j[krh gWwA
To become economically should I am able to start any side job.

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eSa fcuk fdlh f>>d ds lkoZtfud LFkku ij vifjfpr yksxks ls ckr djus dh {kerk j[krh gWwA
Without any hesitation I can talk with a strange person at public place.

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eSa fcuk fdlh f>>d ds yM+dks ls Hkh ckr dj ldrh gwwWA
Without hesitation I can talk with boys.

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eSa fcuk fdlh f>>d ds vius lkFkh lewwgksa ds vf/kdkjks dh ppkZ djus dh {kerk j[krh gwWA
Without hesitation I have ability to discuss about the rights of my peer group.

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eSa fcuk fdlh f>>d ds gksus okys fofHkUu vU;k;ksa ds f[kykQ vkokt mBkus dh {kerk j[krh gwwWA
Have ability to fight against injustice.

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vius mez ds vuqlkj eSa gj dk;Z djus dk dkS'ky] vkRefo'okl o ;ksX;rk j[krh gWwA
Have all skills, confidence, self- esteem and ability according to my age.

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(lkekftd] jktfufrd o dkuwuh tkx#drk)
gekjs {ks= ds ik"kZn dk uke tkurh gWw
I know the name of ‘Parshad’ of my area.

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jftLVMZ fookg D;k gksrk gS bldh eq>s tkudkjh gSA
What is registered marriage, I know.

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mRrjkf/kdkj D;k gksrk gS mlds D;k dkuwu gS eq>s tkudkjh gSA
I know the law of Succession.

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;qokvksa es gksus okys u’khyh nokb dh yr ¼Drug addict½ dh tkudkjh eq>s gSA
I know about drug addiction.

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fo|ky; ;k dkWyst esa jktuSfrd mEehnokj ds izpkj izlkj esa iwjh Hkkxhnkjh jgrh gSA
I participate in comparing of election in my college / school.

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eq>s ifjokj o lekt ds izfr viuh ftEesnkjh;ksa dk iw.kZ Kku gSA
Have knowledge about my responsibilities towards my family and society.

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eSa vkfFkZd :i ls l'kDr gksus ds fy;s eq[; O;olk; ds vfrfjDr LFkkuh; lalk/kuksa ds vuqlkj lgk;d @ fodYi O;olk;ksa dh Hkh tkudkjh j[krh gWwA
Have knowledge about the subsidiary job to make me economically empowered.

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eSa izfrfnu jsfM;ks] Vh-oh- ,oa v[kckj blfy;s ns[krh o i<+rh gwW D;ksafd esa bldh mi;ksfxrk tkurh gwW
I know the utility and importance of listening radio, watching TV and reading news papers etc.

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eS vius fo?kky; esa ykbczsjh es izfrfnu tkdj iqLrd i<rh gwWA
I use to read news  paper in my library.

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eS izfrfnu Vh-oh- ij lekpkj ns[krh gwWA
I watch T V every day.

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cktkj ls [kjhnkjh djrs le; vko’;d fu;eks dk ?;ku j[krh gw¡A tSls& yscy] otu ] rkjh[ks vkfnA
During purchasing I read label, weight and date of manufacturing.

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eS Mkd?kj cSad ds dk;Z dj ysrh gw¡A
I can do my post office and Bank work.

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eSs efgyk ls lEcfU?kr vkys[k okyh iqLrd t#j i<rh gw¡A
I used to read women related articles and books.

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cPpksa ds LokLFk; ls lEcfU?kr tSls- Vhdkdj.k] iks"kkgkj ds lekpkj i<rh gw¡A
I used to read articles / news related to children immunization, nutrition etc.

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